Easy Steps for Dissertation Writing Research

Dissertation Writing Research
When you start working on your dissertation writing, your first thought is towards the research. How to perform the research? Where to find the resources? Admittedly, it is a tough part of the dissertation, researching and sourcing of the research. But, it is not as tough as some other aspects of dissertation writing, and definitely not as tough as people make it out to be. Following are a few points to help you move in the right direction.
  • Start with yourself, your brain is the initial source of all the information that needs to be written. You have probably been studying the subject for some time now. So just brainstorm a little and come up with some ideas, and data. Realize how much you know about it first. And then write it down in notes so that they are easy to access and easy to understand while working on your dissertation.
  • After you’re done with the brainstorming, again sit down and make a plan about what places, other than the internet, that you need to visit. What libraries should be on your list, and whether you will need to visit other places as well, for example a monument, or a museum perhaps, to gather more information and content for your research? Either way just lists it down first and then makes a schedule to visit them every other day and continue your work. You can also take assistance from dissertation writing services UK to get ideas.
  • Now we come to online research, since you have already visited libraries, and personally know a little about the subject and topic for your dissertation writing, just list down a number of remaining things that you need to look up and head on towards the internet. Now this is a tricky part, make sure you do not use any details or information that hasn’t been verified by some authentic sources. It is very easy to be misguided while you’re researching from the internet. So what you need to do is stick to the known sources and the well known sites for all your online data needs. Do not wander too far from the first few pages of Google search.
  • Another excellent resource for data and content is reading past dissertations related to your subjects. Here you can find exactly what you’re looking for and about the exact or nearly the exact topic that you’re working on. The reason why it’s listed so down the line is that it is very tempting to just plagiarize from it instead of extracting information from it. So this needs to be very carefully managed. Other than that, there is no better source of information for your topic and subject at hand. You also get an idea about how to format your dissertation, so that’s a plus as well.
  • Now pool all your data in to one place and make a draft of your writing, it’s nothing final, it’s just to get an idea of how much research for your dissertation writing you have accumulated and if there are any missing bits and pieces.

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